Posgraduate Studies
In the University of Chile, the anthropology career
has divided in three mentions that were: Physical Anthropology, Social
Anthropology and Archaeology. So before decided to apply to a Master or
Doctorate, we have to choose an specialization in some mention. In
that process it's possible to get a "double mention", doing the
courses that correspond to both mentions. But that it's a
little bureaucratic and difficult, but it's a possibility that I've
been thinking. I wanna studied Social Anthropology, and if it's possible, did
the double mention with Physical Anthropology (weirdoo).
So, talking about postgraduate
studies, Chile haven't many options in Anthropology to get a Master (one to
Archaeology, two in Social Anthropology [Gender and cultural studies;
Sociocultural Anthropology], and anyone to Physical Anthropology), and about
Doctorates, the scene has worst. Chile hasn’t any doctorate program in
Anthropology or Archaeology.
Because of that, the
situation of the students has very difficult, the economic barrier for the
expensive cost of the postgraduate programs, and for the limitations of the
system. The way more optimist it's continued the postgraduate studies
in another country, especially in Latin American Universities who has agreement
with University of Chile.
Anyway, I would like to study in the UNAM (México), I don’t
know about what specifically, or how can I do to get inside the UNAM or travel to Mexico. I would like it but maybe I may change my mind over time, the same about the Double Mention
See youu
See youu
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